Section 1 of Board 1 is shown above. The DDS VFO is on the left, the VFO amplifiers in the middle with one IR Receiver (black, bent over) controlled MOSFET amplifier, one 2N5109 amplifier, and the T/R switch on the right. The 5V regulator (tab heatsink) with capacitors for the DDS is on the bottom right. |
LCD output is at the top center of the board. Orange wire connects Key of DDS to Key of T/R switch. |
This DDS VFO is a simplified PIC-EL. The idea for a simplified PIC-EL originated with VK5TM. The original configuration is at his website: An excellent website for many good ideas on working with DDS projects. I worked on the code for several months and got a Transmit Function to work. Grounding an output of a PIC16F628 pin eliminates the offset in the calculation of the DDS word and outputs the exact receive frequency for output to a transmitter. The Transmit Function makes the circuitry for the transmitter simpler. It eliminates a mixer, filters, and a couple of amplifiers. The output of the DDS goes directly to an amplifier that drives the output device of the transmitter. This lowers the cost and the parts count of the transmitter considerably. The BLT can drive any QRP transmitter with an output of 100ma from the VFO amplifiers. QRP transmitters that need less than 100ma drive will use a 3dB or 6dB resistive pad between the BLT and the transmitter. ![]()
Fixed Attenuator Calculator Online:
Will calculate any impedance and any desired attenuation. The PIC used in this simplified PIC-EL will also work in the PIC-EL boards with the modification of disconnecting the transistor driving the speaker output. That switch is then used for a KEY output that is the transmit function of the DDS VFO, eliminating the offset from the output of the DDS. The 1st and 2nd generation PIC-EL boards work extremely well with this transceiver as having an outboard DDS VFO eliminates almost all of the birdies and noise of the DDS from the receiver, resulting in a very clean receiver output. I have not tested the PIC-EL III boards, but they should work. This board is reasonably priced and is available from Craig Johnson, AA0ZZ at The DDS VFO on the receiver board is not that objectionable. Birdies are minimal and is very convenient to have on the receiver. Birdie reduction techniques have been used to reduce them considerably. The band noise on the lower bands covers almost all of the remaining birdies. On the higher bands, above 15 Meters, birdies have not caused problems receiving signals except at one or two frequencies. The problem is most prevalent on 10 Meters, but the band is useable. PIC16F628/20 and OscillatorThe PIC used is the 16F628/20. The /20 is preferred over the 16F628A. The oscillator used is the internal oscillator with the frequency controlled by a resistor to ground on Pin 16. With a zero ohm resistor (bare wire lead below shown with yellow arrow), the oscillator runs at ~10.4 MHz, which allows both a 24 step mechanical encoder or a 128 step optical encoder to be used. ![]() The internal oscillator is used as it has the lowest emissions outside of the PIC for quiet operation with the receiver. The crystal oscillator was hard to isolate from the receiver board. Pads were placed on the board in case a crystal oscillator is preferred, including pads for the two capacitors used with the crystal. One of ground leads is used to ground the PIC (black insulated wire below), which was an error on the board. Later versions of the board will not have this jumper. ![]() The board has provisions for either a optical or mechanical encoder to be connected. See picture below, First production boards on the left and later production boards on the right.
Notice on the Optical Encoder the negative connection (-) and positive connections (+) on either side of the 1 and 2 connections. Notice on the Mechanical (Mech) Encoder that the middle connections have a ground in the middle between 1 and 2, which is the most common pinout of Mechanical Encoders. The Switch box is for connections to the Mechanical Encoder shaft push button switch. It is located back from the encoder so that the wires to the switch help hold the encoder upright if the shaft is mounted horizontal toward the front of the board. The wires can be made very sturdy if #14 wire is used or short lengths soldered to #24 wire used to make the connections. See the instructions. The Switch box is connected to PB3. PB3 is pushed along with the Morse Code Key dit or dah lever (with iambic) or down (straight key) to set the transmit frequency. This makes it quicker/easier to set the transmit frequency. PB3 also moves the cursor to the left one decade position. DDS ModuleThe DDS module is the EBay AD9851 board from China. An inexpensive module with the oscillator, power supply filtering and input/output pins on one plug in board. The AD9850 board can be used with a simple change in the code. The AD9851 is used for better performance on the higher bands and is equivalent to the DS60 board used on the PIC-EL. ![]() DDS VFOs OutboardA lot of other DDS VFOs can be used instead of the onboard DDS VFO. Provisions have been made to tie in other outboard DDS VFOs. More information is available at DDS VFOs with Transmit Function. If you have a DDS VFO already, you can use it with the BLT and save on cost by not ordering the BLT internal DDS VFO. The outboard DDS VFO output is tied to the DDS IN box and the 5V power can be tied to the 5V box. If you built the onboard DDS VFO as shown in the picture, remove the .01 cap beside the Frequency Counter box (yellow arrow) to isolate the output from the onboard DDS VFO. The DDS Module can be unplugged if you mounted it with SIP in line sockets. ![]() The MOSFET amplifier gain adjust has worked for all the outboard DDS VFOs I have bought, with or without an additional amplifier (MMIC amp) after the DDS Module. LCD ModuleThe LCD is a white on blue 16x2 HD44780 display. The background lighting is slightly different than other 16x2 displays with full 12V (no resistor) powering the backlight. If you use other 16x2 displays, check its specification sheet to make sure how they recommend powering the backlight (most require a low value resistor). Notice in the PCB image below, the V+ (the blue backlight supply pin), the second pin from the top, goes directly to the +12 bus. Contrast control is set to maximum (CON to Gnd) which works best with the white on blue display of the type used with this kit. .
Shown below is the V2.0 and the slant on the number 16 which are the ones preferred with the kit.. ![]() Others don't have a Version number and the number 16 is straight up. These require a 1.2K resistor from CON to GND. These work as well but I think the V2.0 is a better display. ![]() On the first production BLTs, if a resistor is needed between CON an GND, the top trace between the connections is cut and a resistor installed between the connections. A 1.2K resistor was used with the non-version displays. Later production boards will have provision for either a wire jumper or a resistor placed between CON and Gnd (B pad connections) to set the contrast. ![]() 12 Volt bus Cleaning |
Two RF chokes are used to keep birdies and noise off the 12 Volt lines. Two ferrite beads are used here. Other values seen on other DDS VFOs are 10uH on up. 3.3 Volts for the DDS Module |
Some of the China DSS Modules (most likely the AD9850 modules) have crystal oscillators that are made for 3.3 Volts. They can be found by touching the crystal module with a finger and noting how hot it is running. A very warm oscillator is probably a 3.3 Volt module. The RF choke is removed and two diodes (1N4000 types) in series are put in the choke's place. The diodes will drop the voltage to 3.4 Volts. A trace is cut on the opposite side of the module underneath the board between the .01 capacitor and the through hole pad at the V+ pin on the LCD output pin (see picture above). This will isolate the voltage for the DDS Module to the RF Choke side. |
Modifications for other Crystal Filters |
![]() DDS VFO InstructionsPushbutton OperationStarting at the rotary encoder, the switches are labeled 3, 2, and 1. Number 1 is at the front right edge of the DDS VFO board. Operation when Listening or QSOingWhen the receiver is first turned on, 40 Meters will be the displayed band. After the first turn on, the last band/frequency will be saved and loaded on start up. To change bands, hold down/push Button 2 (middle button) and turn the encoder to the band you want. You will be at the start of the band - XX.000 The default digit will be the .01 digit, and tuning will be fairly slow through the band. If you want to scan the band quickly to find signals, push button 1 (left hand button) and it will move to the .1 digit for quick tuning through the band. When you find a signal you wish to tune in, push button 2 (middle button) to move the cursor to the .01 digit and you can tune in the signal precisely. If you wish to transmit on this frequency, push button 3 (left hand button), (or the encoder knob if using a mechanical encoder with the switch wired) and tap your key. You will see that the Band number will now be displayed on the bottom line of the display and will show your Transmit frequency. Your transmit frequency will remain the same until you hit Button 3 and hit your key at a different frequency. Once your transmit frequency is set, you have RIT and can move your receive frequency anywhere you like - transmit frequency will remain the same. When you set your Transmit frequency, Rcvr will remain on the display. When you transmit, Xmtr will show on the display with the transmit frequency, even when returning to receive, until the encoder is moved to a different receive frequency. The receive frequency will remain the same even though the transmit frequency will be shown during the QSO, unless you RIT and the new receive frequency will be shown until you transmit again. If you finish your CQ or QSO and move to a different frequency and transmit without setting the new frequency first, your old transmit frequency will show on the display. Push Button 3 (or push encoder switch), then push Button 3 or push knob (with mechanical encoder) and tap your key to set the new transmit frequency. PB1Used with PB3 to set Transmit FrequencyPB1 is used for the transmit function. When grounded, it removes the offset and outputs the correct frequency used for transmitting. The change to transmit frequency and changing back to the receive frequency with the offset is very fast. Up to 40 wpm has been no problem. When you transmit, the Transmit Frequency and Xmtr will remain on the display. The receive frequency will stay the same. If you move the Rotary Encoder, the Receive Frequency and Rcvr will be displayed. Pressing PB1 and PB3 at the same time sets the transmit frequency. After setting the transmit frequency, you are free to turn the Rotary Encoder to any receive frequency you desire. For working DX up1, you move the frequency up one 1kHz, set the transmit frequency and then move back to the DX station frequency. See PB3 for more information. PB2Cursor to RightMomentary depression moves cursor to the right one decade position. The cursor will wrap from the 1 Hz decade to the highest decade. Holding down for one second will start automatic movement of cursor to right every 1/8 second. Band ChangeDepressing PB2 and moving encoder before one second will enter band change mode. Moving the encoder will cycle through all the bands configured and releasing PB2 will select last band displayed. PB3Cursor to LeftMomentary depression moves cursor to the left one decade position. The cursor will wrap from highest decade to 1 Hz decade. Holding down for one second will start automatic movement of cursor to left every 1/8 second. Set Transmit FrequencyPB1 is connected to your key/keyer. You press PB3 and hit the key, the transmit frequency is set to the frequency on the display. PB3 is connected to the switch on a mechanical encoder for quick setting of the transmit frequency. The transmit frequency will not be transmitted or displayed when you set it. If you want to check the transmit frequency, send one dot (will be transmitted) and Xmtr with the transmit frequency will be displayed. You can move the receive frequency as desired (for RIT function); the transmit frequency will remain the same. If you finish your QSO and move to another one at a different frequency, remember to reset your transmit frequency. Press PB3 (or push the encoder knob) and hit the Key to set the new frequency. If you forget and see that you are transmitting at the old frequency, press PB3 (or encoder switch) and the new receive frequency will come back, then press PB3 and hit the key to set the correct transmit frequency. Key ConnectionThe "KEY" notation on the board is where a key, either hand key or an iambic keyer, is connected to send CW. This "KEY" connection is grounded to activate the transmit function, activate the T/R switch, and send the signal to the transmitter. A diode, the anode connected to the output of the PIC to PB1 is used to isolate it from the keying line. Also, a diode (anode side) is connected to the PNP switch of the T/R switch. Then both cathodes are connected together for the connection to the key/keyer, which grounds the two cathode diode connections when keyed. There are two KEY connections, one on the DDS VFO at PB1, and a second one at the T/R switch labeled "DDS VFO Key" at the edge of the board. This second connection is the easiest to connect the line to the keyer. Tuning Range of the DDS VFOThe tuning range of the DDS VFO is set by tables in the PIC code. It is divided into the Amateur Radio Bands, 160, 80, 40, 30, 20, 17, 15, 12, 10, one general coverage band (0 to 40 MHz), and one signal generator band that ranges from 200 kHz to 40 MHz which has no offset programmed - the frequency shown is what is generated. The bands are labeled on the readout 1 to 11, starting with 160, Band 1, to the signal generator, Band 11. Any crystal filter (offset) can be used with any band, as the offsets can be set individually in the IF offset table. |
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Last Update: 11/28/2017
Web Author: David White, WN5Y