
Email Museum

White Deer Land Museum

116 S. Cuyler

Pampa, TX 79065


Early graduating class of Pampa High School

By the time Pampa's school enrollment reached 150 pupils, it was necessary to expand the school facilities. On September 10, 1910, the new red brick building at 309 North Cuyler (first known as Lamar School) was ready for occupancy. At a cost of $15,000 the building had six classrooms and an auditorium to house the largest school district in Gray County.

Pampa had a 6-month school until 1911-12 when J.M. Daugherty, Jr. (who had come from Dumas in 1910) was hired as Superintendent for a 9-month term for $113.50 a month.

The class of 1912 graduated from Pampa High School at the time rattlesnakes, coyotes and lobo wolves were plentiful in this area. Young men of the time rented rigs from Rider's livery stable (between 100 South Gillespie and 101 South Ballard) for transportation. The village cut-up sported a rubber tired, cut under buggy, derby hat, button shoes, peg leg pants and chewed tobacco.

Lillian Williams, daughter of County Judge Robert E, and Martha "Mattie" Williams, married Thomas Harrison Barnard, son of Charles Berkley and Alton (Fox) Barnard. During the 1920s Harry operated the Pampa Electric Company and raised wheat on a small farm west of Pampa. In 1931 the family moved to Lubbock to operate the Blue Bonnet Laundry. Harry and Lillian Barnard were the parents of Wanda Stone, Pauline Greene, Ruth Collins, Aleta Burris, Marie Lilly and Berkley Bernard (born in Lubbock).

Austa Rhoades, daughter of C.A.  Rhoades, married Ivy (or Ivey) Duncan at the time Ivy was attending Cumberland Law School at Lebanon, Tennessee. Austa died during the flu epedemic of 1918 and was buried beside her father in Fairview Cemetery.

Dicie Ann Thomas was the sister of Sam, Charles and Josephine Thomas. She married Homer Robert Kees who worked at the Panhandle Lumber Company. They were the parents of Kline Vondell Kees, born December 14, 1915.

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